My BibTeX Database

This is the list of references that I used in the
time I was doing research for my thesis.

Updated on Mon Jul 27 8:14:59 1998

J. Abaffy and
E Spedicato.
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G. Ammar and W. Gragg.
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I. J. Anderson
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On the rate of convergence of the preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm.
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L. Bacchelli Montefusco and G. Casciola.
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ACM Trans. Math. Software, 15:365-374, 1989.
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Y. Baram.
On two-dimensional data representation by radial base functions.
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Processing side-scan sonar images using thin plate splines.
Presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Algorithms for
Approximation, Oxford, July 1992.
B.J.C. Baxter.
The interpolation theory of radial basis functions.
PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, 1992.
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B.K. Bhattacharyya.
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Bicubic spline interpolation as a method for treatment of potential field data.
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SIAM, 1996.
R.J. Blakely.
Potential theory in gravity and magnetic applications.
Cambridge University Press, 1995.
P.D. Bourke.
A contouring subroutine.
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I.C. Briggs.
Machine contouring using minimum curvature.
Geophysics, 39(1):39-48, 1974.
M.D. Buhmann and
N. Dyn.
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In P. J. Laurent, LeMéhauté, and Schuhmaker L. L., editors,
Curves and Surface. Academic Press, 1991.
M.D. Buhmann.
Multivariable interpolation with radial basis functions.
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J.R. Bunch.
Stability of methods for solving Toeplitz systems of equations.
SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comp., 6:349-364, 1985.
P. L. Butzer and
G. Hinsen.
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P. L. Butzer,
W. Splettstösser, and R. L. Stens.
The sampling theorem and linear prediction in signal analysis.
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M. Carbonell, R. Oliver, and J.L. Ballester.
Power spectra of gapped time series: a comparison of several methods.
Astronom. and Astrophys., 264:350-360, 1992.
D.W. Caress and
R.L. Parker.
Spectral interpolation and downward continuation of marine magnetic anomaly
J. Geophys. Res., 94(B12):17393-17407, Dec 1989.
C. Cenker, H.G.
Feichtinger, M. Mayer, H. Steier, and T. Strohmer.
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with applications to irregular sampling.
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R.H. Chan and
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T. Chan.
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L. Cordell and
V.J.S Grauch.
Reconciliation of the discrete and integral Fourier transforms.
Geophysics, 47(2):237-243, 1982.
L. Cordell.
A scattered equivalent-source method for interpolation and gridding of
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Geophysics, 57(4):629-636, 1992.
N. A. Cressie.
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Wiley, 1993.
C.N.G. Dampney.
The equivalent source technique.
Geophysics, 34(1):39-53, 1969.
P.J. Davis.
Circulant Matrices.
John Wiley, 1979.
W.C Dean.
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Geophysics, 23:97-127, 1958.
T.J. Deeming.
Fourier analysis with unequaly spaced data.
Astrophys. Space Sci., 36:137-158, 1975.
C.V. Deutsch and
A.G. Journel.
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Oxford University Press, 1992.
J. Duchon.
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In 67th Annual Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded
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A. Duijndam, M. Schonewille, and C.O.H. Hindriks.
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A. Dutt and
V. Rokhlin.
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A. Dutt and
V. Rokhlin.
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SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comp., 7:639-659, 1986.
N. Dyn, I.R.H.
Jackson, D. Levin, and A. Ron.
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N Dyn.
Interpolation of scattered data by radial functions.
In C.K. Chui, L.L. Schuhmaker, and F.I. Uteras, editors, Topics in
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C.G. Fahlman and
T.J. Ulrych.
A new method for estimating the power spectrum of gapped data.
Monthly Notices Roy. Astronom. Soc., 199:53-65, 1982.
Gerald E. Farin.
Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design : A Practical
Academic Press, Boston, 2nd edition, 1990.
Feichtinger and K. Gröchenig.
Multidimensional irregular sampling of band-limited functions in
Conf. Oberwolfach Feb. 1989, pages 135-142, 1989.
Feichtinger and K. Gröchenig.
Irregular sampling theorems and series expansions of band-limited functions.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 167:530-556, 1992.
Feichtinger and K. Gröchenig.
Iterative reconstruction of multivariate band-limited functions from irregular
sampling values.
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 231:244-261, 1992.
Feichtinger and K. Gröchenig.
Error analysis in regular and irregular sampling theory.
Appl. Anal., 50:167-189, 1993.
Feichtinger and K.H. Gröchenig.
Theory and practice of irregular sampling.
In J. Benedetto and M. Frazier, editors, Wavelets: Mathematics and
, pages 305-363. CRC Press, 1994.
Feichtinger and T. Strohmer.
Irsatol — irregular sampling of band-limited signals toolbox.
In K. Dette, D. Haupt, and C. Polze, editors, Conf. Computers for Teaching,
, pages 277-284, 1992.
Feichtinger and T. Strohmer.
Fast iterative reconstruction of band-limited images from irregular sampling
In D. Chetverikov and W.G. Kropatsch, editors, Proc. Conf. on Computer
Analysis of Images and Patterns
, pages 82-91, Budapest, 1993.
Feichtinger and T. Strohmer.
Recovery of missing segments and lines in images.
Optical Engineering: special issue on „Digital Image Recovery and
, 33(10):3283-3289, 1994.
Feichtinger, K. Gröchenig, and M. Hermann.
Iterative methods in irregular sampling theory.
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Feichtinger, C. Cenker, and M. Herrmann.
Iterative algorithms in irregular sampling: A first comparison of methods.
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Feichtinger, C. Cenker, and H. Steier.
Fast iterative and non-iterative reconstruction methods in irregular sampling.
Conf. ICASSP`91, May, Toronto, pages 1773-1776, 1991.
Feichtinger, K. Gröchenig, and T. Strohmer.
numerical methods in non-uniform sampling theory
Numer. Math., 69:423-440, 1995.
H.G. Feichtinger.
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H.G. Feichtinger.
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H.G. Feichtinger.
Reconstruction of band-limited signals from irregular samples, a short summary,
H.G. Feichtinger.
personal communication, 1998.
S. Ferraz-Mello.
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M.A. Fiddy.
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In H. Stark, editor, Image Recovery: Theory and Application, pages
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Fieguth, C. K. William, A. S. Willsky, and C. Wunsch.
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Topex/Poseidon satellite altimetry.
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M. S. Floater and
A. Iske.
Thinning algorithms for scattered data interpolation.
M. S. Floater and
A. Iske.
Multistep scattered data interpolation using compactly supported radial basis
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 73(5):65-78, 1996.
M. S. Floater and
A. Iske.
Thinning, inserting, and swapping scattered data.
In A. Le Méhauté, C. Rabut, and L. L. Schuhmaker, editors,
Proceedings of Chamonix, Nashvill, TN, 1996. Vanderbilt University
T.A. Foley and
H. Hagen.
Advances in scattered data interpolation.
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James D. Foley,
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T.A. Foley.
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G. Foster.
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G. Foster.
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G. Foster.
Wavelets for period analysis of unevenly sampled time series.
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